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Same problem as in the thread thats closed....

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#1 Trial User_errorcauser_*

Trial User_errorcauser_*
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Posted 20 May 2007 - 05:24 PM

Limewire opens then closes with the file AXShlEx.dll left named as it's names. I can rename AXShlEx.dll to AXShlEx.dll.OLD, and Limewire stays open and works. Soon as i name remove .OLD from the file "AXShlEx.dll.OLD" same thing happens again.

Can someone tell me why this is happening ? And why you closed the other thread without looking into it ?

#2 Tron


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Posted 20 May 2007 - 07:53 PM

It was closed because they were using Limewire to download illegal copies of programs. We can not, and will not support that. Also in order to get support here we REQUIRE a system report. It was not given. Without that we are not going to offer help. It is our policy. If you need help you will need to supply us with a full system report. Be advised that if the administration sees this as illegal activity because it has to do with pear to pear sharing software they may close this post as well. At this point I will leave it open, but they might decide to close it. If you supply us with a full system report in a timely manner it will help your case.

#3 zamiel


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Posted 20 May 2007 - 08:14 PM

The issue in the other thread was with azureus and as you can can see does not affect everyone so there is likely some underlying issue rather than just a problem between Alcohol and the JVM. You would have to wonder if Sun has even been informed of the issue.

I closed the topic because the last poster flaunted that they pirate software. As Tron stated we do not support or condone piracy in anyway.

#4 Trial User_errorcauser_*

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Posted 20 May 2007 - 08:20 PM

QUOTE (Tron @ May 21 2007, 03:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It was closed because they were using Limewire to download illegal copies of programs. We can not, and will not support that. Also in order to get support here we REQUIRE a system report. It was not given. Without that we are not going to offer help. It is our policy. If you need help you will need to supply us with a full system report. Be advised that if the administration sees this as illegal activity because it has to do with pear to pear sharing software they may close this post as well. At this point I will leave it open, but they might decide to close it. If you supply us with a full system report in a timely manner it will help your case.

I'll gladly provide a system report. I'd like to see this corrected. What steps should I take to generate one please ?

#5 Tron


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Posted 21 May 2007 - 04:22 AM

Thanks for the system report....

As for your trouble as Phoenix stated "This is most likely related to the third party SPTD drivers in Alcohol we have asked their development team to look into it. " As soon as we know something we will get back to you on it. Aslo it seems that Azureus has not really tested or investigated the problem fully to see if the trouble is on thier side. This makes it very hard to resolve. For the time being maybe our customers with this problem should downgrade Azureus,Java 1.6.0_01 and wait to see if this is fixed in thier next version.

#6 Trial User_errorcauser_*

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Posted 21 May 2007 - 05:45 AM

QUOTE (Tron @ May 21 2007, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the system report....

As for your trouble as Phoenix stated "This is most likely related to the third party SPTD drivers in Alcohol we have asked their development team to look into it. " As soon as we know something we will get back to you on it. Aslo it seems that Azureus has not really tested or investigated the problem fully to see if the trouble is on thier side. This makes it very hard to resolve. For the time being maybe our customers with this problem should downgrade Azureus,Java 1.6.0_01 and wait to see if this is fixed in thier next version.

Don't know if it makes a difference or not, but I'm using Limewire. I'm not sure if Limewire is the same as Azureus. If it's not, then the problem would be showing itself in two totally different programs. Thanks for helping me.

#7 Charalambos


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Posted 21 May 2007 - 08:21 AM

Azureus and Limewire are both torrent programs based on Java. The fact that the problem occurs with both of these programs- and perhaps other similar ones- indicates that it has to do with Java 1.6.0_01 and not the programs themselves. Somebody stated in the closed topic that if he deletes files with extensions controled by Alcohol( which means several image file types including the standard ISO ones) then Azureus works again without conflicting with Alcohol. This can be a start for the troubleshooting of the problem and also a temporary solution. Another thing that might work is to deselect any desired image extensions in the Alcohol's "Extentions" option's tab, this may allow Azureus and Limewire work while containing such files in their torrents but it will stop Alcohol from mounting the images with these extensions, anyway I think it worths given a try.

#8 Trial User_errorcauser_*

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Posted 21 May 2007 - 02:21 PM

QUOTE (Charalambos @ May 21 2007, 03:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Azureus and Limewire are both torrent programs based on Java. The fact that the problem occurs with both of these programs- and perhaps other similar ones- indicates that it has to do with Java 1.6.0_01 and not the programs themselves. Somebody stated in the closed topic that if he deletes files with extensions controled by Alcohol( which means several image file types including the standard ISO ones) then Azureus works again without conflicting with Alcohol. This can be a start for the troubleshooting of the problem and also a temporary solution. Another thing that might work is to deselect any desired image extensions in the Alcohol's "Extentions" option's tab, this may allow Azureus and Limewire work while containing such files in their torrents but it will stop Alcohol from mounting the images with these extensions, anyway I think it worths given a try.

Nope, doesn't work. I tired all and every combination. Renaming "AXShlEx.dll" to "AXShlEx.dll.OLD" is the only thing that works for me. unsure.gif

#9 Tron


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Posted 22 May 2007 - 07:00 AM

DEV team is looking into it, but it might have to do with their drivers and the fix may need to come from them. Also since it seems to have happened after they updated I suspect their update is at fault.

#10 Trial User_errorcauser_*

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Posted 22 May 2007 - 07:59 AM

QUOTE (Tron @ May 22 2007, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
DEV team is looking into it, but it might have to do with their drivers and the fix may need to come from them. Also since it seems to have happened after they updated I suspect their update is at fault.

Ok, thanks. Just keep us posted.

#11 Trial User_errorcauser_*

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Posted 18 June 2007 - 01:02 PM

Any information on this yet guys ?

#12 Trial User_ThetaSigma_*

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 08:30 AM

I too have been having this problem for quite some time. By doing a quick search for 'LimeWire axshlex.dll conflict', it seems that many others are as well...not including those that are having this problem but are unaware of the cause. The strange thing is, I have the same version of Alcohol, same version of Java, and the same version of LimeWire all installed on my laptop and 2 other desktops. So it makes me think that there is a 3rd factor involved here that we are overlooking (order of installation possibly?).

As errorcauser mentioned above, renaming axshlex.dll to 'axshlex-LIMEWIRE CONFLICT.dll' or whatever seems to cure the problem. The only difference is that I can't manually mount images to my virtual drive in My Computer and I lose the File Association option in Alcohol. It completely disappears along with Alcohol's default icons for associated files. However, all files associated with Alcohol retain their 'right-click on file -> Mount Image' functionality...go figure.

Anyways, I'll keep checking back to see if this gets resolved. Hope this helps.

#13 Trial User_ThetaSigma_*

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 08:47 AM

QUOTE (ThetaSigma @ Jun 23 2007, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The strange thing is, I have the same version of Alcohol, same version of Java, and the same version of LimeWire all installed on my laptop and 2 other desktops.

Correction to my previous statement above. That was supposed to have read...

The strange thing is, I have the same version of Alcohol, same version of Java, and the same version of LimeWire all installed on my laptop and 2 other desktops and they all work fine.

(Sorry, I couldn't edit my post.)

#14 Jito463


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 09:41 AM

<unofficial mode>
Well, speaking as a customer and not as a member of the support team, I don't really see why they should bother fixing it. After all, Limewire is nothing more than an illegal file-sharing service. If their software doesn't work with Alcohol, who gives a flying rats patootie. That's just my 2-cents worth.
</unofficial mode>

Having said that, I'm sure they're looking into it, though I doubt it has a very high priority.

#15 Trial User_ThetaSigma_*

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 10:42 AM

Speaking as a customer myself, and regardless of your personal views on its use, it SHOULD be your concern whether or not the conflict is fixed. If your reply in any way reflects the official stance of the developers of Alcohol and/or the developers of the 3rd party driver used by Alcohol which is causing the conflict, I can see that my money would be better spent elsewhere. There are plenty of other, and in some case better (more feature-filled), pieces of software than Alcohol 120 out there where the developers go out of their way to address a known bug/issue as soon as it presents itself.

When developers start half-assing support for their own products (or in this case, the 3rd part driver that you include in your software), the customers will start looking elsewhere.

Just my $0.02

#16 Phoenix


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 12:20 PM

<unofficial mode> as Jito463 said, he has as much right to post a personal non official reply to any topic he feels he would like to, had he done so in his official support team member roll then that would have been different, he is also a purchased user, all support staff have to be fully paid up purchased users just like yourself so he is also entitled to make personal posts. It is only his vast knowledge of the software and his willingness to help others that gained him a position as a support team member.

In my official capacity Have you taken the same stance with LimeWire? as Jito463 pointed out it is "nothing more than an illegal file-sharing service." We do not promote the use of such programs. Users of our software use it to back up software that they have legally purchased, to that end the software works as described, I think we have only had one purchased customer mention this problem, so it will not rate very high on our to do list, our purchased customers come first and enhancing the software and adding more options is what most of our customers want.

If you are a purchased customer I would be happy to create a user account for you in our purchased users forum, please send me a PM with your email address and Alcohol serial number and a user name you would like to use in the purchased users support forum and you can then make a submission to our development team to look into this situation further.

#17 zamiel


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 04:55 PM

<unofficial mode>

As I also have stated in this thread that it does not affect every user of both products. As a test, I installed Azureus and had no problems running either side by side, which was ignored by most who are experiencing this issue. It would appear to me that there is more to it than what people are just claiming.

I believe its also important to note here that no one has actually looked at that the Java Update to 1.6.whatever could be causing AXShlEx.dll to crash...

</unofficial mode>

#18 Trial User_ThetaSigma_*

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Posted 23 June 2007 - 09:23 PM

I understand that. I was in no way bashing Jito for having a personal opinion. I was only stating that I tend to disagree with his view on how he appears to think that the conflict between Alcohol & some java-based applications is a good thing, or at least shouldn't be a concern of the Alcohol Development Team. When you begin disregarding bug fixes based solely on your personal feelings, then you will start losing money and soon find your product has become a thing of the past. There is plenty of competition out there in this particular market who would be more than happy to fill the financial void should Alcohol become defunct.

As for P2P in general, are you asking me what my position is on it? My position is that frankly, it is none of your business what I do in front of my own computer in my own home. I do not condone the use of P2P for *illegal* file sharing and as a software developer myself, to do so would be the financial suicide on my part. However, I have found a great number of uses for the various P2P protocols, all of which are perfectly legal.

You stated that only one *purchased* customer has reported this problem. But what about the scores of potential customers out there who are still in the 'trial stage' and the large number of purchased customers who have posted all over the net about this? In case you are unaware, this particular forum is not always the first stop for those having issues with your software. Most will seek out other users with similar problems first in the hope of finding a solution and then as a last resort, turn to the developers. Why? Because the software developer's answers are always the same..."We'll look into it" or "I'm sorry, we couldn't reproduce the problem". Furthermore, when they come here and spot replies such as Jito's and the many other "not our problem because you are using P2P software" replies, they will simply begin looking elsewhere.

In my first post, I acknowledged that it does not happen with every setup. In fact, I stated that I have a laptop and 2 desktops that have no problem at all. That's why I stated that from an educated guess as a part-time software developer (VB .NET, C++, & Perl) myself, I believe the problem may be caused by an unknown 3rd factor that we are overlooking (such as installation order for instance) in these rare cases. As for Java v6, myself and many others have tried every version of Java going all the way back to v1.2 without success.

I understand the function of the Axshlex.dll file for the most part. My second question is, why would that particular DLL be making a call to the JRE API or its registry entries (or vice versa)? From what I can tell, Alcohol does not use Java in any way. My second question is, since Axshlex.dll seems to be used primarily for shell extension handling and some context menu functionality, why not just incorporate the shell extension management solely into the main executable and let the registry take care of handling the extensions & context menu functionality? My only guess would be a limitation in the programming language used to write/compile Alcohol.

Sorry for the rant & large post...to much coffee and free time on my hands tonight. whistling.gif

#19 zamiel


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Posted 23 June 2007 - 11:46 PM

But what about the scores of potential customers out there who are still in the 'trial stage' and the large number of purchased customers who have posted all over the net about this?

Another Unnofficial Comment:

As Phoenix stated only one registered customer has posted that they have suffered such issues and only three or four trial users. I think you'll may find that if the so called many are posting it all over the net then they might not be using legal versions of Alcohol (registered or trial) otherwise one would assume that they'd report it here (unless they had something to hide whistling.gif ). The amount of times we've had users who claim to be purchased users or users of the retail version that are actually using an illegal/pirated version of Alcohol would astound you.

Therefore one could assume that the more registered customers that report this bug then the more likely that it will get the attention you "all" so desire.

As a customer you're quite welcome to sign up for the customer only forum as Phoenix suggests and register your bug complaint in there.

#20 Phoenix


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 12:36 AM

Firstly, no one has said that our development team would not look into this problem, it is just not high up on the list of priority's, and No I have absolutely no interest what you do in front of your own PC in the privacy of your own home, however as a reputable company we do not and can not be seen to condone the use of software that can and is used by many to acquire software they have not legally purchased.

Our customers are well aware that we have a purchased users forum and that we also offer 24\7 email support where they can contact us directly should they be having any problems. If as you are suggesting, they choose to go else where to look for help then they are not taking the full advantage of what they have paid for and can not expect us to troll the internet looking for places where they may or may not have posted a question, that's the purpose of our support forum\support email and should be the first place they come if they are experiencing a problem.

Your comment "Why? Because the software developer's answers are always the same..."We'll look into it" or "I'm sorry, we couldn't reproduce the problem". we will look into it, means exactly that, no software developer is going to turn round and say "we will fix it" until they have had a chance to look into it, if they are presently debugging other problems then naturally there is an order of priority they will follow. As a part time developer, you yourself must know how difficult it is to fix a problem if you can not reproduce that problem on your test machines, even with a large Beta testing group with a variety of different set ups, some bugs still slip through the gap.

If only a small amount of users experience a problem, then it is most likely to be a problem related to what they have on their system, as we are not privy to what they have installed on their systems or in which order it was installed we would be unable to resolve it.

Very few users who have problems that we can not reproduce are willing to format their system in order to have a clean test bed in which to re install their software in stages until the point can be found which is causing the problem, even though a bug may show up between two software's there is still an underlying possibility that it is something else on the system that actually triggers the problem. It is also possible the problem is caused by another software who's developers are not willing to resolve I am not saying that this is necessarily what is happening in this case,

So to recap, Yes, our development team will look into this problem. No, I have no idea on a time scale for a possible solution or even if a solution can be found.

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