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Alcohol Trial Support Forum


Alcohol Trial Technical Support

Here you can ask any Technically related questions regarding Alcohol.

Members(with no Customer account) can post here but before a Post will be replied to you will need to post a System Report from Alcohol unless your problems are Installation or Registration related.Please check regulary the Important Information Topic for information on how to contact us, Download our Toolbar etc.

  • 1,489 topics
  • 6,184 replies
1.9.5 on Win98 refuses to m... - last post by Charalambos

Non Technical Trial Support

Here you can post any questions relating to Alcohol that are non technical in nature. The posting of a System Report is not required. All posts relating to Technical Problems or questions regarding how do I copy Game A,B or C will be moved to the Technical Forum where a System Report will be required.

  • 124 topics
  • 317 replies
Windows 10 compatibility. - last post by keveinp56