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Discovered problems with Alcohol 120% FE 2023-01-07 An

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#1 StreetCracker


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Posted 01 September 2024 - 01:11 AM


The submitted info contains illegal data. Please contact support.



--  That comes up every time I tried to send an issue via  Contact Us  .


So I'll try here instead - copy-paste of what I wrote :


        █████———————————       1:32 2024-09-01


I started by setting the "BrightData"-thing to be activated, then I chose to have 3 Virtual Drives available. However later when I temporarely shut off the BrightData background program I discovered access was removed to 2 (TWO) VDs ; that is, Instead of only 1 (ONE) of the 3 - which is what is Stated/Promised in the information. I remember earlier versions several years ago also offered 2 VDs accessible , when there was no BrightData optional program included.
So why am I reduced to just 1 Instead of 2 VDs here?

Also, the Settings  "Remount images upon system reboot"  and  "Mount Image to Device 0 on Double-Click of image file"  are not working.
And in the  "Shell Extension"-Settings  , selecting any file Type will invariably cause File Explorer to FREEZE every time it tries to view a folder where any such File is present.  The only kind of "Shortcut" I discovered is to manually associate a file type with the Alcohol 120% program in the regular OS settings - which when clicking the File Merely Launches the program w/o doing anything more, just like if I ran it from the Start Menu, having to go through the program interface functions in order to actually Mount the Image anyway - so that is really Nothing of a Shortcut.
And, Crazily so I should say, the Alcohol 120% program does Not Even Recognize the  IMG File (.img) Type  ( so that you have to select ALL File Types in the Viewing List to see it within the program interface)!
Furthermore there is no mounted image History for the Drive ;  Seemingly no way to Mount an image directly from the File Explorer (forced to open the Alcohol 120% program itself and do it from within its menus/interface) ;  and the showing of the Disc Images internal/unique Icon is not working - even when I try to force it from the Drive property settings in File Explorer.
What is all this indicative of?

I know there are problems with the  Win 10 OS  for this kind of thing; but it is stated in the Changelog since so long that the program is adapted for it.

Hopeful Regards,

########################### System Information ###########################
  Windows 10  10.0  (Build 19045)
  Processor info: Intel® Core™ i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz x 8 (1190MHz)
  Physical memory available to Windows: 8 189 448 KB

############################ Program Information ###########################
  File Name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\Alcohol.exe
    Company Name: Alcohol Soft Development Team
    Description: Alcohol 120%
    Original: Alcohol.exe
    Product: Alcohol 120%
    Trademarks: Alcohol Soft Development Team
    Copyright: Copyright© 2002-2022 Alcohol Soft Development Team
    Version: 2.1.1 (Build 2201)
    Date: 2022-11-16 12:35:18
    Size: 1657064 Bytes
    Hash: 82c43ca8fca3fe2542f724d22c356584
  File Name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\DevSupp.dll
    Company Name: Alcohol Soft Development Team
    Description: Alcohol Software Device Capability Library
    Original: DevSupp.dll
    Product: Alcohol Software Device Capability Library
    Copyright: Copyright© 2002-2018 Alcohol Soft Development Team
    Version: 2.8.2 (Build 10521)
    Date: 2018-06-12 17:32:16
    Size: 59296 Bytes
    Hash: d539d44bd955b26b2883558f2b05fb3e

########################### User Information ###########################
  Registered User ID: FE

########################### Options Setting ###########################
  Devices Control Interface: Default Device Control Interface (recommended) [SPTDIntf]
  SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD) layer version: 2.13
  CPU Priority Level: High
  Memory Buffer Size (MB): 2048
  Examine the accuracy of data read from physical device: Yes
  Enable Enhanced Weak Sector Scanner during dumping: No
  Overburn disc(s): No
  Turn off "Auto-Select best write speed" function if possible: No
  Fill memory buffer before recording discs: Yes
  Book Type DVD+R/DVD+RW disc as DVD-ROM while burning: No
  Virtual Device Sub-System: Virtual AHCI Controller
  UI Language: English

############################ Device(s) List ############################
  (T:) Alcohol V-SATA CD/DVD     (storahci, Port 1, Bus 0, Target 0, Lun 0)

##################### Installed Device Drivers List #####################
  ACPI.sys      acpiex.sys    acpipagr.sys  acpitime.sys  afd.sys
  afunix.sys    AgileVpn.sys  ahcache.sys   AsusPTPFilter.sys AsusSAIO.sys
  AsusWmiAcpi.sys bam.sys       BasicDisplay.sys BasicRender.sys BATTC.SYS
  Beep.SYS      bindflt.sys   BOOTVID.dll   bowser.sys    CAD.sys
  cdd.dll       cdrom.sys     CEA.sys       CI.dll        CimFS.SYS
  CLASSPNP.SYS  cldflt.sys    CLFS.SYS      clipsp.sys    CmBatt.sys
  cmimcext.sys  cng.sys       CompositeBus.sys condrv.sys    crashdmp.sys
  dfsc.sys      disk.sys      dptf_acpi.sys dptf_cpu.sys  drmk.sys
  dump_diskdump.sys dump_dumpfve.sys dump_iaStorAC.sys dxgkrnl.sys   dxgmms2.sys
  esif_lf.sys   fastfat.SYS   filecrypt.sys fileinfo.sys  FLTMGR.SYS
  Fs_Rec.sys    fvevol.sys    fwpkclnt.sys  gpuenergydrv.sys hal.dll
  HIDCLASS.SYS  hidi2c.sys    HIDPARSE.SYS  HTTP.sys      hvservice.sys
  i8042prt.sys  iaLPSS2_GPIO2_ICL.sys iaLPSS2_I2C_ICL.sys iaLPSS2_SPI_ICL.sys iaLPSS2_UART2_ICL.sys
  iaStorAC.sys  igdkmdn64.sys IntcAudioBus.sys IntcDAud.sys  IntcOED.sys
  intelpep.sys  intelppm.sys  IntelTA.sys   iorate.sys    kbdclass.sys
  kd.dll        kdnic.sys     ks.sys        ksecdd.sys    ksecpkg.sys
  ksthunk.sys   lltdio.sys    luafv.sys     mmcss.sys     monitor.sys
  mouclass.sys  mouhid.sys    mountmgr.sys  MpKslDrv.sys  mpsdrv.sys
  mrxdav.sys    mrxsmb.sys    mrxsmb20.sys  Msfs.SYS      msgpioclx.sys
  mshidkmdf.sys msisadrv.sys  mslldp.sys    msquic.sys    msrpc.sys
  mssmbios.sys  MTConfig.sys  mup.sys       ndis.sys      ndiscap.sys
  ndistapi.sys  ndisuio.sys   NdisVirtualBus.sys ndiswan.sys   NDProxy.sys
  Ndu.sys       netbios.sys   netbt.sys     NETIO.SYS     Netwtw10.sys
  Npfs.SYS      npsvctrig.sys nsiproxy.sys  Ntfs.sys      ntosext.sys
  ntoskrnl.exe  Null.SYS      nvlddmkm.sys  NvModuleTracker.sys nvvad64v.sys
  nvvhci.sys    nwifi.sys     pacer.sys     partmgr.sys   pci.sys
  pcw.sys       pdc.sys       peauth.sys    portcls.sys   PSHED.dll
  rasl2tp.sys   raspppoe.sys  raspptp.sys   rassstp.sys   rdbss.sys
  rdpbus.sys    rdyboost.sys  rspndr.sys    RTKVHD64.sys  sdbus.sys
  sdstor.sys    SerCx2.sys    SgrmAgent.sys SleepStudyHelper.sys spaceport.sys
  SpbCx.sys     sptd2.sys     srv2.sys      srvnet.sys    storahci.sys
  storport.sys  storqosflt.sys swenum.sys    tap0901.sys   tbs.sys
  tcpip.sys     tcpipreg.sys  TDI.SYS       tdx.sys       TeeDriverW10x64.sys
  tm.sys        tpm.sys       UCPD.sys      ucx01000.sys  UEFI.sys
  umbus.sys     urschipidea.sys urscx01000.sys usbccgp.sys   USBD.SYS
  usbehci.sys   usbhub.sys    UsbHub3.sys   USBPORT.SYS   USBSTOR.SYS
  usbvideo.sys  USBXHCI.SYS   vdrvroot.sys  Vid.sys       volmgr.sys
  volmgrx.sys   volsnap.sys   volume.sys    vwifibus.sys  vwififlt.sys
  vwifimp.sys   wanarp.sys    watchdog.sys  wcifs.sys     wdcsam64.sys
  Wdf01000.sys  WdFilter.sys  WDFLDR.SYS    wdiwifi.sys   WdNisDrv.sys
  werkernel.sys wfplwfs.sys   win32k.sys    win32kbase.sys win32kfull.sys
  WindowsTrustedRT.sys WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys winhvr.sys    wintun.sys    wmiacpi.sys
  WMILIB.SYS    Wof.sys       WpdUpFltr.sys WppRecorder.sys WUDFRd.sys    

################## Detailed Information of Device(s) ##################






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Posted 02 September 2024 - 03:16 AM

The submitted info contains illegal data. Please contact support.
--  That comes up every time I tried to send an issue via  Contact Us  .

Maybe you included some special character on your phone number or email address fields?

I started by setting the "BrightData"-thing to be activated, then I chose to have 3 Virtual Drives available. However later when I temporarely shut off the BrightData background program I discovered access was removed to 2 (TWO) VDs ; that is, Instead of only 1 (ONE) of the 3 - which is what is Stated/Promised in the information. I remember earlier versions several years ago also offered 2 VDs accessible , when there was no BrightData optional program included.
So why am I reduced to just 1 Instead of 2 VDs here?

I'm sorry, this limit on free version was changed to 1 virtual drive 3 or 4 years ago, if you did read that the limit is 2 virtual drives somewhere please let me know where did you read it, as it is outdated information.

Also, the Settings  "Remount images upon system reboot"  and  "Mount Image to Device 0 on Double-Click of image file"  are not working.

We are aware that "Remount images upon system reboot" is not working on Windows 10, this should be fixed on a future version.

The option to "Mount image to device 0 on double-click of image file" is actually intended to mount images when you double-click them at the top list in Alcohol main window, there is no option to do it from Windows Explorer.
This is "by design" and intended by our developer, the idea is that Alcohol doesn't exactly "opens" ISO files, and mount/unmount options are just added as context menu options so that they can still operate even if you have another application associated to open them.

The behavior you need is not an Alcohol feature "out-of-the-box", however you may accomplish that by manually creating a Windows file association that will run "C:\Program Files\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120\AxCmd.exe" 1: /M:"%1" (please note that the path to Alcohol directory may be different in your system).
Unfortunately on latest Windows versions you may need to use a 3rd party tool to edit/customize Windows file associations as Microsoft unfortunately removed most of such options.

And in the  "Shell Extension"-Settings  , selecting any file Type will invariably cause File Explorer to FREEZE every time it tries to view a folder where any such File is present.

We have another report of such problem on Windows 10, however we are not being able to reproduce it so far, we don't know yet what may cause this, maybe a conflict with another software or something very specific, we need to investigate the problem.

And, Crazily so I should say, the Alcohol 120% program does Not Even Recognize the  IMG File (.img) Type  ( so that you have to select ALL File Types in the Viewing List to see it within the program interface)!

IMG is not a standard CD image file extension, CloneCD used to create CCD/IMG image files pair, some programs even create CUE/IMG image files pair, and sometimes ISO image files are renamed to IMG, in this last case you can rename it yourself to .iso but on other cases you need to open the image file using the main (CCD or CUE) files instead of using the .img file directly.

Furthermore there is no mounted image History for the Drive ;  Seemingly no way to Mount an image directly from the File Explorer (forced to open the Alcohol 120% program itself and do it from within its menus/interface) ;

Please note that only image files mounted from Windows explorer context menu option should show there, anyway we will check if there is any problem with this.

and the showing of the Disc Images internal/unique Icon is not working - even when I try to force it from the Drive property settings in File Explorer.

I'm sorry I do not fully understand what you refer to?

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