One feature I'd love to see is resuming the creation of images. This feature is not available in any imaging software I've seen, sans an older version of another product (newer versions discontinued the feature). Let me place an example for you.
I make it a habit to have my original, and then I make two copies of it. Of the two copies one is used, the other is archived, and the original is never touched again. This is due to past experiences of media going bad, and from loaning out my games and such to friends only to get them back in a horrible state. Now, let's say I have one original and one copy. Both disks are scratched, but in different places. What I'd like to do is image the disk up to the point where it starts giving read errors, and then either be prompted to exchange the disk and try again, or not delete the created image. If I choose not to delete the created image, I want to be able to place the second disk in the drive, be given the option to roll back the imaging sector and continue with the image creation.
By rolling back the imaging sector, let's say that a disk has 500 sectors total. At sector 250 it encounters an error. When I place the second disk in I'd like to be able to tell it to roll back / start reading from sector 248.
And such is the feature that I'd like to see. This would help me greatly to restore some old disks that I have and only have one copy of the original (and the original). Then I'd be able to make a single good image from 2 or more disks that I have that are possibly damaged in different sections.
Please let me know if you like this idea, and if it seems like something that others (in or out of the forum) would be able to put to good use. Thank you for your time.

Resuming Images
Started by
, Jul 02 2007 02:15 PM
7 replies to this topic
Posted 02 July 2007 - 02:15 PM
Posted 02 July 2007 - 05:06 PM
Well, I can guarantee this would not work for copy protected discs. Anytime you make an image, it must be from the original. If you make it from a backup, the image almost certainly will not work right. This is especially true on images with DPM, that require RMPS emulation for the backup.
Posted 02 July 2007 - 07:32 PM
Well, for the backup of my PS/PS2 disks it will work. I have some older games like STAR OCEAN 2, CHRONO TRIGGER and such, and they were loaned out previously and CHRONO TRIGGER is in a horrible state. Right now I'm trying to find a download an image online. For that disk I have the original and one copy, and if the application allowed me to resume the imaging process then I'd be able to use the original and the copy and create a proper image. It's for the purpose of preserving my originals that I chipped both my PS and PS2. I only use my originals now if my backups go bad. And as I said, I keep two backups - one for playing and one to copy from. My originals are use ONCE and never again. If this feature can be implemented "at the risk of the user" - meaning they use it and you're not responsible for the outcome of the image - then I'd be perfectly happy with that. The primary purpose of it, for me, would be to restore a working disk from my PS and PS2 games. As far as those copy protected disks go, I'm guessing they're mostly movies, which i don't copy in any case, so that wouldn't apply to me. There are a few game disks that are copy protected, (SAFEDISK, STARFORCE, ect) but I doubt it will affect what I need it for. Thanks again. Awaiting your replies.
Posted 02 July 2007 - 07:56 PM
Well, I was speaking more in terms of PC games. For console games, that's a different story. The copy protection isn't on the disc (per se), it's in the console itself. That's why you have to use bootdisks or modchips to play backups on consoles. In any case, I'm just blowing smoke. My word means nothing in development decisions. I was just making a counter-point.
Posted 02 July 2007 - 09:42 PM
Kool, and point taken. But how does the idea sound to you? I mean, especially for someone who may have two or more copies of a disk. I purchased BLOODY ROAR 3 (PS2 game, and my fav. fighting game) twice, because the first disk became unreadable. This is before modding my PS2. If I had an application to make a good image from multiple disks, then I could have used the two disks to make one good image and burnt that and played. I say use the two because I got the second disk second-hand, and it was scratched a bit, so it kinda loads when it wants to. Fortunately for that game, I got a copy from a friend, so I just keep my original as proof that I actually do own it, but it's not very playable in it's current state.
Posted 03 July 2007 - 05:49 AM
The idea has potential, but the real question is if there's enough users with such a need as this to merit the development costs it would require to implement it.
Posted 03 July 2007 - 08:31 AM
Humm, Two badly scratched discs, if you have overlapping scratches on both discs, ie if the discs were placed on top of each other and two scratches overlapped then it would fail anyway.
Posted 05 July 2007 - 06:49 AM
True. Still, I do think the feature would be nice. That is up to the dev team tho, and how difficult it would be to implement. Thanks for taking the suggestion though.
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