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Safedisk 2 read errors

Safedisk Image Maker

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#1 tedbydawn2022


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Posted 29 April 2022 - 06:31 PM



     I am attempting to create a bin/cue image of a safedisk 2 protected game but I keep getting "read data examination" errors. I read in other forums that you can just wait for these messages to clear in a few minutes and the image will be created normally. In my case however the disc read speed stays at 0.1x and the messages don't clear. At that rate it will take 60 hours to burn the disk. I have Safedisc 2/3/4 selected. I also have "Enable Enhanced Weak Sector Scanner during dumping" checked in the options menu.


Thank you.

#2 Charalambos


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Posted 29 April 2022 - 07:02 PM

The fact is that not all the devices are capable of fast skipping the read errors. Do you have any other optical disc drive to try to make the image with it? Also the messages aren't endless, maybe you wait for some minutes for them to end? When they end the speed will increase to normal.

#3 tedbydawn2022


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Posted 30 April 2022 - 08:51 PM

I don't have another disc drive at the moment. I unchecked fast skip read errors and let the image maker run for almost two hours. Now it seems to give disc read errors on every sector of the disc. I tested the game and can confirm that it runs fine.

#4 Charalambos


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Posted 02 May 2022 - 07:12 PM



I unchecked fast skip read errors and let the image maker run for almost two hours. Now it seems to give disc read errors on every sector of the disc.


No, you shouldn't uncheck it, why did you do it? Also the Safedisc read errors stop after a while, not all of the disc is covered by them.

#5 mdec


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Posted 16 September 2022 - 05:34 PM

Sorry to necro. Every version of Safedisk that I have encountered typically has "broken" sectors in the first 11000 sectors. Which ones appears pretty random to me. Each optical disk sector is 2048KiB large, so this means it's up to 22MiB of trouble. If you wait until sector 11000, your read speed should dramatically increase. I've been in your shoes many years ago, and the only thing you can do is patiently wait for your drive to get through the broken sectors.

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