Companies are hesitant to change unless necessary. Most will make changes for improvement reasons, or to fix bugs, but change for changes sake is rare, if ever seen at all. Since 32-bit applications work, and there's not likely to be any improvement in performance, they'd rather spend their resources focusing on other improvements. Look at when Windows XP x64 first came out 2 years ago. Some software wouldn't work because they were still using
16-bit installers. In a day when everything was 32-bit, they were still clinging to the past with an ancient installer program (not Alcohol, just some other programs in general). Eventually, everything will be 64-bit, but by that time, we'll probably be moving to 128-bit.

I'm sure that eventually there will be a native x64 version of Alcohol, but when is the unknown factor. Even if the devs said today that they were working on it, due to other factors (primarily copy protection blacklists), it still may take months to finally make it to release. But I'm with you, and looking for the day when everything switches to x64.