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Conext menu shell extension problem

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#1 CTor


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Posted 03 September 2014 - 07:37 PM

Hello! Thanks for a great program!

I have a deadlock when Total Commander 8.51a x86 try to use Alcohol 120% FE context menu extension on any drive in Windows 7 x64. At first I thought the problem is in Total Commander, but then I tried several other x86 file managers and all of them had the same problem.
Total Commander 8.51a x64 has NOT this problem. Windows Explorer (x64) has not this problem too.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Install Alcohol 120% FE
2. Try to open context menu on a drive from Total Commander x86.

Here is a small movie:

If disable x86 context menu extension on a drive (for example, with SysInternals Autoruns), the problem disappeared. But the context menu item disappeared too  :(


Is this problem in Alcohol?

#2 Charalambos


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Posted 03 September 2014 - 07:58 PM

Why don't you use the 64-bit version of Total Commander since you have the 64-bit version of Windows 7?

#3 CTor


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 04:44 PM

Why don't you use the 64-bit version of Total Commander since you have the 64-bit version of Windows 7?

Some plugins still have no 64-bit versions.



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Posted 04 September 2014 - 06:22 PM

Thank you for letting us know about the issue. I did just asked our dev-team to look at this, they will try to reproduce the problem and eventually fix it if possible.



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Posted 05 September 2014 - 06:46 PM

Could you please email us an Alcohol system report (preferentially the xml version as it includes more information like other programs installed on your system), we are just trying to reproduce the problem.



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Posted 05 September 2014 - 09:22 PM

Could you please uncompress the file attached to this post and replace the one on Alcohol program folder, then check if you still get the same problem with Total Commander.

Attached Files

#7 CTor


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Posted 06 September 2014 - 07:36 AM

Could you please email us an Alcohol system report (preferentially the xml version as it includes more information like other programs installed on your system), we are just trying to reproduce the problem.

I sent you the xml report. The system on which the animation from post #1 was written is pure Windows 7 SP1 x64 on Oracle VirtualBox virtual machine. The only installed program, besides Alcohol, Total Commader and video capture program, is VirtualBox Guest OS Additions.
I've just found out that the problem appears only on local hard drives (i.e. not on CD/DVD drives, both physical and virtual, and not on network drives) and only if it is the first context menu on a drive for this instance of calling x86 process (e.g. totalcmd.exe).
1. Install Alcohol 120% FE
2. Run Total Commander.
3. Context menu on CD/DVD drive -> ok.
4. Context menu on local hard drive -> ok.
5. Close and rerun Total Commander.
6. Context menu on local hard drive -> problem.






Could you please uncompress the file attached to this post and replace the one on Alcohol program folder, then check if you still get the same problem with Total Commander.

I am unable to reproduce the problem with this new version of AxShlEx.dll. After short pause the context menu opens in all cases.
Thank you!



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Posted 06 September 2014 - 09:11 AM

Thank you for your confirmation and for your fully detailed report, we really appreciated it!  In fact the system report was not needed anymore as some hours after I did asked it to you our development team could just reproduce the problem.  The fix included on the file I did posted above will be included on the next version of Alcohol.


Btw, we are just currently looking for some new beta testers, to replace some of our old beta testers that are unfortunately not available anymore to test Alcohol, as their lifes changed over the years, etc... I can see you apparently have some good computers knowledge and a very good methodology to clearly explain problems, how to reproduce them, etc... If you have interest on Alcohol and use it frequently... would you eventually be interested to be part of our beta testers team and get Alcohol beta versions to test before they get released to the public?  Just PM me if you have any interest on that :)

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